Thursday 17 September 2020

Pihitia farm

 Before we knew it we were loaded into the bus with a lot of babbling sheep { joke for the farm the sheep are the people who talk to much on the bus!} I sat next to Kale'a and we both had tissues in our bags so we decided to make an origami chatterbox.

We arrived in 45 minutes and we hopped of the bus leaving with a thank you for the bus driver he said no worries and drove off the driveway of Pihitia farm. okay it is almost the end of the day so I will tell you my favourite parts of my adventure then I will tell you something really funny to remember that cool funny day!My favourite part was getting to see the lambs and getting to see some of the sheep getting sheared.

And the funny part was when I jumped in the back of the ute and jumped into the dog kennel that was stuck in the back of the ute and locked myself in it Kayla went for help while I tried to fiddle with the lock incase it might help but it did not work it just made it worse I thought I might have to stay in the back of a ute and be used as a working dog but I was happy because Angus came to the rescue and unlocked it that was the funny part Ha Ha!

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