Thursday 24 September 2020

Cross country

 It was cross country and Cornelia and I were waiting in the line and bang the wooden bricks slammed together and we ran off. I was so puffed that after a minute I was so tired I needed a break! 🍧🍨Because I was running  for 4 miles, I started walking so then I made up a rule that when I got puffed or the same word exhausteded I would start walking and when someone catches up behind me or in front of me would start running again with lots more energy and at the end of the race i came 4th! What a surprise!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Josie: I like how you told me about how you felt after a minute. Your blog tells me what I can do If I do get tired in a running race and how it turned out to get you in 4th. How did you feel when you got the placing? Where you feeling like celebrating. What a great blog. From Millie.


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