Tuesday 28 July 2020

First week back at school 2020!!!

It has been an awesome week for me, we had lots of games to play as well as sports and trips.
ART:we have made a wonderful bit of art,it is called collaborative art.
OUT OF SCHOOL:We walked from school to Hamanatua stream.We learnt about the area and  saw how much fennel there was  at Hamanatua stream,we walked back from Hamanatua stream to school.It was a big walk to get there and back.
GAMES:we played all sorts of games, but my most popular game was with a balloon,the hard thing about the game was not to pop the balloon, but lots of people wanted to go fast so that they could win ,unfortunately the people that went fast popped their balloons.
SPORTS:Swimming!We were practicing swimming for enter prize the strokes we did were these:Backstroke, Freestyle Breath stroke. we also practiced our swimming so that we can be good strong swimmers so that we can also not just because  we can be good swimmers but  that we can swim better in the sea and deal with it if you get stuck in a storm.

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